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What is Light Language ? A Guide on the Subject channeling healing language healing sounds light codes light language selfempowerment selfliberation sound healing light language what is light language Mar 23, 2024

An introduction to the story of how I began my journey

This article aims to provide an in-depth exploration of what is commonly known as 'light language', along with its creation and sharing processes. As a musician and sound healer, my journey into the realm of 'made up language' and channelled language woven into my songs began many years ago, long before its recent surge in popularity and usage. From a young age, I was composing my own music, and as I ventured into my teens, picking up the...

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Ash - Tree Lore ash magic ash tree druidry practical druidry tree lore Mar 16, 2024

''As part of my Tree lore series taken from my weekly classes in the Resonance Room community - here is a glimpse and hopefully an inspiration of some ways in which we can work with the qualities of the Ash tree in a practical and magical way. There is a little explanation of the usual information you can find on the internet on and around the subject, but with this article I want to provide something new and unique and something you wont find elsewhere. So I have included two practices and...

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Sei He Ki healing symbols learn reiki reiki mantra reiki sound healing reikisoundhealing sei he ki Feb 27, 2024

Sei He Ki: A Sonic Symbol of Balance and Harmony

In the realm of Reiki symbols play a pivotal role in channelling and amplifying healing energies. Among these symbols, Sei He Ki, often referred to as the Harmony Symbol, stands out for its profound impact on emotional and mental healing. This article explores the essence, applications, and transformative capacity of Sei He Ki, a symbol that acts as a conduit between the heart and the mind, cultivating equilibrium, harmony, and...

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Buddha Amitabha Mantra amitabha amitabha mantra buddha of light infinite light Feb 26, 2024

The tale and genesis of Buddha Amitabha, intertwined with the essence of his very name, are profoundly woven into the fabric of Buddhist lore, especially amid the vast expanse of the Mahayana tradition. Known as the Buddha of Boundless Luminescence, Amitabha reigns as a celestial figure within the Mahayana scriptures. He stands at the heart of the Pure Land tradition, a distinctive path within Buddhism that embraces the vocal invocation of Amitabha's name in aspirations of rebirth within the...

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The Ten Mirrors of Awen Practice alchemy of sound druid mind training druid sound healing druidic sound healing ebook sound healing practices the ten mirrors of awen Feb 20, 2024

An Introduction 

The integration of mirrors in spiritual traditions with their metaphorical use in meditative disciplines offers a nuanced pathway to cultivating mental and spiritual lucidity. This confluence leverages the profound historical significance of mirrors in myriad cultural rites and practices, marrying these age-old customs to the modern pursuit of inner clarity and self-discovery. Throughout history, mirrors have held a place of esteem within diverse cultures for their...

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Unlock Your Journey: Free eBook on Druidic Healing - The Mind Orchestra a days journey bardic adventure druidic sound healing ebook free ebook macrocosm microcosm seeds of resonance sound healing magic Feb 15, 2024

Embark on "Seeds of Resonance - A Day's Journey"

Discover "Seeds of Resonance - A Day's Journey," a transformative eBook that invites you into a world where ancient Druidic and Bardic healing practices meet the rhythm of nature and the cosmos. This guide is a journey; it's a pathway to personal and spiritual growth, designed to harmonise your daily life with the deep, resonant vibrations of the universe.

Unlock the Magic Within

This eBook is a key to aligning with the day's natural rhythms,...

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