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Seeds of Resonance: A Day's Journey of Life 3daudio balancepractice breathwork druidichealing energyalignment healingharmonics healingpractices holistichealth immersivehealing innergrove lifecycles magicalpractices meditativesoundscape ngakpawisdom personalgrowth sacredsounds soundhealing sounding soundjourney soundtherapy spiritualdevelopment spiritualwellbeing transformationjourney visualization Aug 03, 2023

A Day's Journey of Life  

Welcome to "A Day's Journey of Life," a transformative exploration of connection, alignment, and growth, grounded in the healing traditions of Druidic and Bardic practices. Through breathwork, visualisation, sounding, and incanting, we synchronise with the natural rhythms of the day, seasons, our bodies, and the cosmos. Our day mirrors the lifecycle of a seed, divided into seven stages: Planting the Seed in the early morning, The Sprout Emerging by...

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