£55.00 GBP

6 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

1:1 Sound Healing Coaching Services - Purchase Agreement

Agreement Acceptance: By accepting this agreement and completing the purchase of 1:1 Sound Healing Coaching Services ("Coaching Services"), the Client agrees to the terms set forth in this Purchase Agreement.

Cancellation and Refund Policy:  Clients are entitled to a full refund within 24 hours of purchase. Requests for cancellation and refund within this timeframe must be directed to [email protected] Beyond this 24-hour window, all sales are final and non-refundable, reflecting the commitment to the coach's allocated time and resources.

Utilisation of Services: It is the Client's responsibility to schedule and utilise the purchased Coaching Services. Lack of use, booking, or attendance does not qualify for refunds, credits, or compensations, due to the dedicated reservation of the coach's time and resources for the Client.

Service Details and Expectations:  The Coaching Services entail personalised sound healing sessions as outlined on the sales page. Clients are expected to punctually attend scheduled sessions, complete any preparatory work or assignments, maintain regular progress communication, and adhere to appointment policies, including providing at least 24 hours' notice for session changes.

Payment Terms and Portal Access: Clients agree to adhere to the specified payment terms, including instalment plans or recurring payments. Failure to meet payment obligations may result in late fees, suspension from the coaching schedule, and program or revocation of access to the coaching portal until payments are up-to-date. Due to the bespoke allocation of the coach's time, the no refund policy applies post the initial 24-hour period.

Client Acknowledgement: By proceeding with the purchase, the Client confirms understanding and agreement to these terms, acknowledging the commitment this transformative journey entails and their responsibilities within the Coaching Services.

Contact and Support: For queries or support related to the Coaching Services, please contact The Mind Orchestra:

 [email protected]

Spread the Cost - Sound Healing Coaching Bundle 10 Sessions

Embark on a transformative journey for only £55 a month over six magical moons. Seize this moment to elevate your spirit, harmonise your soul, and embrace the profound healing power of sound. Our ten-session sound healing coaching bundle is not just a purchase—it’s a deep investment in your well-being and a step towards a life of harmonious balance.

What you’ll get:

• Personalised Sound Healing Sessions: Embark on a personal healing journey with sessions crafted to resonate with your unique energy and story.
• Expert Guidance and Support: Mithaduin, a master sound healer, will be your guide and companion on this transformative journey, offering wisdom and support.
• Access to a Supportive Community: Become part of a circle of like-minded individuals, all on their own paths of growth and healing, offering support, inspiration, and fellowship.

[This offer is your invitation to change your life through the ancient and sacred art of sound healing. We’ve designed our payment options to be as accessible as possible to ensure that financial constraints do not stand in the way of your journey to wellness. Please remember, while our journey together promises profound experiences, the impact and results may vary from person to person. Commitment to the practice is key to unlocking its full potential.]